Solo Trips – and what I did

Click by state/place available–hopefully I’ll get to add here more but I truly did just start traveling alone more (work in progress! I want to start getting the blog out so some of these pages are being actively updated when I have time)


Picture of a calm lake surrounded by evergreen treese trees
A long waterfall with a bridge connection 2 parts of the area about halfway up (Mulnomah falls)
Crater lake. A deep blue big circle of water with a small island hill towards the left. The lake is surrounded by mountains (it is in a crater type area)
Multnomah Falls

This is a gorgeous waterfall that can be easily seen from the road so it doesn’t have to be a solo hike. You can walk up to the bridge and back down too. There are more falls though along the trails and you can hike to the top of this waterfall. I did one of the long hikes alone.

Crater Lake